Sunday 30 December 2012

2013 The year of release

After long conversations with my girlfriends we all came to one conclusion, there are somethings within our lives that we have to let go of before we set foot into 2013. 2012 has been an interesting year for so many of us. Some of us have battled illnesses, graduated, had financial trouble, lost family members, got promotions, got jobs, failed, been successful, fallen down a couple times but we're still here and we made it to the end. The old folk always remind us that "life is about taking the good with the bad and making the best of it" and for the most part that's how 2012 has been for me.

In the last couple weeks i've felt so burdened and I realized that there were things that I was holding on to for a while. People that I should have let go of, words spoken to me that I should have not taken to heart...things like that.

So with that being said, my girlfriends and I will be compiling lists of all the things we need to let go of. Before we burn the list we will be in prayer to ask God to help us to release those issues as well as show us other issues within our lives that we need to let go of. These lists will then be burned on New Year's Eve as an act of release.  If you want to join in with us, feel free to do so. I'll add more updates on this topic in the New year!

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