Tuesday 16 February 2016

Love your hair and slay featuring Dania


   What’s your name and where are you from?
Dania Rolle, from Nassau Bahamas.

 How long have you been natural?
I've been natural from 2013. 

Did you Big Chop or Transition?
Both. I transitioned from 2013-2014 then in 2014 I shaved the back and side. 2014-2015 I let it grow and clipped the top to be the same length...I still have some evening off to go.

    What lead you to undergo a natural hair journey?
   I always wanted to know how my natural hair looked. I was always a hairdresser kind of girl. Always permed and every strand in place. As I got older, I became more curious. I decided to be Me. Idk if 'going natural' is a statement I can agree with because I've always been natural. I wanted to stop perming and anything that wasn't me (weave etc).

      Have you always embraced your natural hair? If no, has that changed?
I  I've never known my natural hair so this is the first time in my life I have had the opportunity to embrace it.

      What does your hair routine look like?
    Hmmm.... I get help from a natural salon for treatments etc.  At home I oil and moistruize as needed everyday.

      What’s your favorite way to wear your hair? 
     I love my hair any style once groomed makes me feel good inside.

    How has your view of natural hair changed since becoming natural?

      Well my view on natural hair hasn't changed..A woman's hair is her beauty...the only difference now is that my hair curls up nice.

  What are your hair goals for 2016?
     For 2016  I just want my hair full, thick and healthy.. I know length will come eventually

    One piece of advice I’d leave with another natural/transitioner is: 

     to love your hair and it will for sure love you back. Be patient. And slayyyyy